From the bibliography below, we can see that CAO was a hot topic in the management education community from Cohen's seminal article in the 1970's through the mid- 1990's. The pubs are more scarce in the 2000's, but the ideas still pop up occasionally. If you would like access to pdf's of these articles, please contact me. I'll link you to a Zotero group that contains these references and the files. Also, let me know if you would like to add references to the list. Classroom-as-Organization Bibliography
This paper describes three metapractices that are embedded within a CAO: students designing elements of the class, students leading other students, students evaluating other students. It shows that there are differential effects of these metapractices on student learning outcomes.
Click to view full paper I recorded this presentation for the 2014 Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference. I describe the basic philosophy of CAO, and I explain how I use CAO to deliver a course entitled "High Performance Teams." Download the attached handout for more information. ![]()
In 2013, I was interviewed about my teaching for an article that was submitted to the Academy of Management Learning & Education. Though the article was rejected, the perspective may be of interest. ![]()
January 2017
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